
挖矿 矿池 选择 2023-11-25 83

Description about the detailed introduction of mining YFI coins

YFI coins are the tokens of the yearn.finance project, belonging to the decentralized financial platform Defi. If you want to mine and earn profits, you can choose from the following ways:

1. Directly select a pool for mining. YFI has initially launched 4 mining pools, and users can participate in mining by providing liquidity on Balancer, with an annualized return of over 700%. Currently, 3 pools are still in the mining process, and one hill has not yet begun.

2. Directly purchase tokens for mining, such as TRX and JST. Recently, TAI has increased by 8 times. If new pools are added, it is recommended to buy tokens for the new pool and wait for appreciation.

Mining is actually using a computer to perform a large number of calculations according to algorithms to "mine" bitcoins. First, you need to obtain bitcoin mining hardware: ASIC chips are the best. Then download bitcoin mining software, and you can join a bitcoin mining pool to collectively solve data. The mined bitcoins will be stored, and the hash value of the stored bitcoins will be stored.

The total issuance of 30,000 YFI coins has no early mining, pre-sale, team allocation, or institutional financing, making the project as clean as bitcoin. YFII coins recently issued by the YEARN platform are a liquidity mining project based on YFI's smart contract.

The recently popular Qwertycoin is developed by a German geek team over 18 months, has a focus on privacy, and is used for secure global payments. QWC has no pre-mining and no ICO, and uses the CryptoNight algorithm (supports mainstream miners X3 and A8+) for POW mining.

The above is a detailed introduction about mining YFI coins. Please note that the content of this article is from the internet and does not represent the views of this site.
